Retail towards 2030: The value of the physical shop

04 April 2018

The function of the retailer is changing and the task is clear: be and remain relevant to the consumer. It starts by no longer seeing the physical store as a place where you can only buy things. Consumers can always buy things and they can do it anywhere.
We should approach stores as one of the (multichannel) touch points that contribute to the conversion. The deal or order can be closed in the store, but this doesn’t have to be the case. It is more important to see the role of the physical store in the entire journey. The report Retail towards 2030 shows that, according to the consumer, the physical store can offer a lot of added value (News Item INretail, 7 March 2018).
Click here for the news item (in Dutch).
Click here to download the report after filing in your details (in Dutch).

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