E-commerce to boost pet food packaging market in Europe

20 November 2017

In a new report Technavio’s market research analysts predict the pet food packaging market in Europe to grow at a CAGR of more than 7% during the period 2017-2021. The penetration of e-commerce is a necessity for the overall growth of the market. Online sales of all pet care products, including pet food, are growing at an annual rate of 5%-10%. Plastic, folding cartons, and metal are the 3-major packaging materials used. There is a significant increase in the demand for single-serve and innovative packaging. Hence, the pouch segment is expected to witness strong demand due to the convenience of lightweight and zippered closures (Press Release Technavio, 12 November 2017).
Click here for the press release.
Click here for more information about the report.
Click here for more information about the Live Online NVC E-course Packaging for E-commerce.
Click here for more information about the NVC innovation project Web Retail Packaging.

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