NL: Nearly one in five residents buy food products online

30 January 2017

Nearly three-quarters of Dutch residents report to have bought goods or services online for private purposes at least once in 2016, an increase by 9 percentage points relative to 4 years ago. The share of e-shoppers aged 65 years or older has grown most rapidly.
In the population aged 12 years or older, 73% (some 11 million people) report to have purchased products or services online at least once. The most frequent online buyers are found in the age category 25-44. 90% interviewed in this age bracket say they have bought goods or services online. The share of e-shoppers aged 65 or older has grown most substantially in recent years, by 46% since 2012 (Press Release CBS, 24 November 2016).
Click here for the press release.
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