E-Shopper Barometer report 2017

14 December 2017

The DPDgroup E-Shopper Barometer report 2017 was published in November 2017. The report finds that in Europe, 54% of e-shoppers buy online at least once a month, a growing trend in nearly every country. These shoppers purchase 11.3% of their physical goods online, with heavy buyers (top one third of all e-shoppers) driving the market as they account for 86% of online purchases.
Cross-border online purchases continue to develop, as 54% of e-shoppers buy abroad (+2 points compared to 2016). Cross-border e-shopping has large growth potential in Europe: nearly one third of e-shoppers who have yet to purchase cross-border express interest in starting to do so in the near future.
Click here for the report (2.61 MB).
Click here for an infographic about the results (54 kB).
Click here for more information about the Live Online NVC E-course Packaging for E-commerce.
Click here for more information about the NVC innovation project Web Retail Packaging.

This news item is also included in our monthly overview, the NVC Members-only Update. If you have any questions, please contact us: info@nvc.nl, +31-(0)182-512411.