Flexible polyethylene recycling capacity grows in Europe

16 February 2018

Since 2015 the installed capacity for recycling flexible polyethylene (PE: PE-LD, PE-LLD PE-MD & PE-HD) in Europe has grown approximately from 1.5 M tonnes per year to 2.3 M tonnes per year.
Giving that Europe has an extrusion capacity of 7.4 M tonnes of flexible PE it can be assumed that the EU recycling rate for these materials is roughly 31%. Five countries, Spain (18%), Germany (17%), Italy (13%), Poland (10%) and France (6%) represent nearly 2/3 of the installed recycling capacity. The sources of the waste are commercial and retailer waste (43%), production waste (23%), agriculture waste (17%), and household packaging (13%) (Press Release Plastics Recyclers Europe, 13 February 2018).
Click here for the press release.
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