Israel: 80% reduction plastic bags since 1 January 2017

03 July 2017

Plastic bag consumption at large supermarkets in Israel dropped significantly in the first quarter of 2017. After Israel's Plastic Bag Law went into effect 55 million bags were sold. This is an 80% drop compared to the last quarter of 2016, when supermarkets bought more than 280 million bags to distribute to consumers.
The Plastic Bag law went into effect on 1 January 2017. The law completely banned use of very thin bags at supermarkets, and required supermarkets to charge a levy of at least 10 agorot per bag. It also requires supermarkets to submit quarterly reports to the Ministry of Environmental Protection (MoEP) detailing the number of bags sold (News Item MoEP, 24 May 2017).
Click here for the news item.
Click here for more information about the law.
Click here for more information about the NVC Project PUMA: the end of packaging as an environmental issue. You are welcome to join us for the next project meeting on 4 April 2018.
Click here for more information about the NVC Inspiration meeting on the effectiveness of the Dutch policy on packaging and the environment (5 September 2017).

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