Opportunities for US consumer packaged goods industry

02 February 2016

Driving growth continued to be a challenge for the US consumer packaged goods (CPG) industry in 2015. Manufacturers and retailers had to deal with the ebbs and flows of the economy and its impact on consumer spending as well as the increased demands of digital-savvy shoppers.
In a new report IRI analyses the lessons learned in 2015 and provides insight into several key trends that will drive growth in 2016. Consumers will remain entrenched in their conservative purchase behaviors in 2016. 57% of consumers will make their purchase decisions before they enter the retail store, so marketers must continue their efforts to engage shoppers early in the planning process.
Click here for the report (924 kB).
Click here for an infographic with the 10 key growth drivers for 2016 (86 kB).

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