Up to 10% compostable plastic does not affect mechanical properties of recyclates

27 January 2014

Bioplastics are biobased, compostable, or both. Biobased plastics films are chemically identical to their conventional counterparts and are easy to manage in recycling streams. Compostable plastics are designed for organic recycling and should be collected accordingly. They are marked for this purpose with logos such as the Seedling.
Up to 10% compostable plastics mixing with conventional plastics in post-consumer recycling streams show no or negligible impact on the mechanical performance of the recyclates. When compostable plastics end up in recycling streams, the prevalent sorting technologies are able to sort them out (Press Release European Bioplastics, 20 January 2014).
Click here to download the full press release.
Click here to download the report (1.35 MB).

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