Specifying recording equipment for shocks during transport

21 October 2016

Recently NEN-EN 15433-6:2016 was published, specifying the technical and functional properties of automatic recording equipment used to determine randomly appearing shocks during transportation.
This standard becomes significant when related to the realisation of the EU Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste. This directive specifies requirements on the reduction of packaging waste, and requires that the amount of packaging material is adjusted to the expected transportation load, in order to protect the transportation item adequately. However, this presumes some knowledge of the transportation loads occurring during shipment (World Packaging Standardisation Newsletter, October 2016).
Click here for more information about NEN-EN 15433-6:2016.
Click here for the EU Directive on Packaging and Packaging Waste.
Click here for more information about the World Packaging Standardisation Newsletter (WPSN), including how to obtain your complimentary subscription.

If you have any questions about this subject, please contact us: info@nvc.nl, +31-(0)182-512411. This item is also included in our monthly overview, the NVC Members-only Update.