NL: Two studies show confusion about best-before date

08 January 2016

The GfK-Dairy Barometer, a Dutch Dairy Association (NZO) survey, shows that most Dutch consumers don’t take much notice of the best-before date for milk. Less than a quarter of the consumers indicate that they sometimes throw away milk or milk products when they reach the date. The majority says that they sometimes throw away milk products after the best-before date has been reached.
In a survey performed for Tetra Pak by research company Stroom nearly half of the Dutch consumers (46%) named the confusing dates on packaging as largest cause of food waste. The best-before date is often confused with the use-by date. Only 42% knows that there is a difference between the two.
Click here for more information about the NZO survey (in Dutch).
Click here for more information about the Tetra Pak survey (in Dutch).

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