Environmental cost of plastics compared to other materials

24 August 2016

A new study by Trucost, conducted for The American Chemistry Council (ACC), finds the environmental cost of using plastics in consumer goods and packaging is nearly 4 times less than if plastics were replaced with alternative materials. The study is based on natural capital accounting methods, which measure and value environmental impacts such as consumption of water.
Trucost found that replacing plastics with a mix of alternative materials that provide the same function would increase environmental costs from $139 billion to $533 billion annually. The report includes recommendations to help further reduce plastics’ overall environmental costs (Press Release ACC, 26 July 2016).
Click here for the press release.
Click here to register to download the report.
Click here for more information about the NVC Inspiration meeting on the effectiveness of the Dutch policy on packaging and the environment (7 September 2016).
With NVC MERGE (Members-only Environmental Regulations Guide) you can stay up-to-date with the environmental requirements for your packaging. MERGE is exclusively for NVC members and there are no costs involved.

If you have any questions about this subject, please contact us: info@nvc.nl, +31-(0)182-512411. This item is also included in our monthly overview, the NVC Members-only Update.