FR: Does ban on disposable plastic tableware break EU Law?

29 June 2016

The European Commission has told the French government it must wait another 3 months before adopting any measure to ban disposable plastics tableware by 2020. This follows a legal challenge submitted by Pack2Go Europe, Europe’s Convenience Food Packaging Association. The draft French decree would ban disposable plastic cups, plates and glasses unless made of bio-sourced materials that can be composted in a domestic composting unit. The association said the draft decree infringes EU law – which guarantees packaging access to market through the EU’s general rules on free movement of goods and, more specifically, through the EU’s packaging & packaging waste directive (Packaging News, 3 June 2016).
Click here for the news item.
Click here for the draft decree.
Click here for more information about the NVC Inspiration meeting on the effectiveness of the Dutch policy on packaging and the environment (7 September 2016).
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