ABN AMRO: Exponential growth for biobased plastics expected

25 November 2015

A new study by ABN AMRO bank expects an exponential growth of biobased plastics production, especially based on ‘drop-ins’ (plastics made out of biomass but chemically identical to the ‘standard’ plastics already in use). The drive towards a circular economy is seen as a generic factor accelerating the developments.
Agriculture in the Northwest European region may have a bright future, based on the strong sugar beet industry and related world-class knowledge institutes. New materials in packaging and the circular economy are addressed by NVC in their General Meeting of Members on November 26th, 2015 and in a NVC Position Paper presented to the European Commission on August 18th, 2015.
Click here for the ABN AMRO press release (113 kB, in Dutch).
Click here for the ABN AMRO report (3.46 MB, in Dutch).
Click here for information about the NVC General Meeting of Members (Nov. 26th, 2015).
Click here for the NVC Position Paper Circular Economy In Packaging: Quo Vadis? (197 kB).

If you have any questions about this subject, please contact us: info@nvc.nl, +31-(0)182-512411. This item is also included in our monthly overview, the NVC Members-only Update.