Effect of gas packaging conditions on thawed tuna

25 June 2014

Researchers at the Universidad de Zaragoza in Spain studied the shelf-life of commercial thawed tuna in different packaging atmospheres: Air, High O2, Sprayed green tea extract in High O2, Low O2, Non O2 and Carbon monoxide. Three-cm-wide slices of tuna were analysed at days 0 (24 h post-thawing), 4 and 6 from the date of packaging while kept in retail conditions.
The atmospheres ‘Non O2’ and ‘Low O2’ were the most effective for increasing tuna shelf-life. Also, the use of antioxidants or carbon monoxide improved colour and flavour attributes and should be considered as alternatives for packaging. An article about the research is published in Food Control.
Click here for an abstract of the article.

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