NVC Workshop Sustainable Innovation in Packaging (Live Online)

The workshop

In this Live Online workshop, consisting of two separate three-hour live sessions, you learn to apply sustainability effectively in the development of improved product packaging. First, you will determine the importance of packaging with respect to the sustainability aspects Profit, People and Planet. Then you will gain insights in the worldwide developments in the field of inorganic (glass, metal), petrol-based and bio-based materials as well as the relevant material recycling and energy recovery technologies.
You learn how to implement this systematically in your packaging design and operations, based on the most recent insights and by using the relevant international standards. In this way you also learn how to demonstrate compliance with the main legal requirements for packaging and environment, both national and worldwide.
Finally, you have created the basis for an effective and sustainable packaging strategy for your business and you understand the cost and benefits associated with the different obligatory packaging recycling and recovery schemes.

The workshop language is business English and the workshop is globally accessible; you can participate from any place you wish (so no travel costs and no CO2 emission). All you need to attend the session are a computer, headset, adequate internet connection and the possibility/permission to connect to the system we use for our online learning modules.
The workshop is provided by a live tutor, located in the NVC studio. Your live tutor will answer all your questions during the sessions or afterwards.

Can you run our online trainings without problems on your computer? You can test your connection for the live online meetings by using this link.

More information?
Do you have questions and/or would you like to receive more information, please contact us. We can also go through the list of references. We can be reached via education@nvc.nl or +31-(0)182-512411.

For whom?

This Live Online workshop is intended for middle and upper management in packaging, with responsibility for the effective business development and implementation of new product packaging in a context of sustainable development and circular (‘spirular’) economy.

Previous participants include quality assurance (QA) officers, regulatory affairs (RA) officers, operations managers, supply chain managers, packaging designers, packaging purchasing managers, packaging sales managers and packaging or product technologists.


The following subjects will be addressed:

  • Definitions: packaging, sustainable development,  innovation, standardisation, material recycling, energy recovery, inorganic, oil-based and bio-based materials
  • The relation between sustainable development and packaging innovation
  • Recent examples of new material developments
  • The European legislation on Packaging and Packaging Waste and the national legislation(s)
  • The European Essential requirements and the new ISO standards
  • The European Circular Economy Package and the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy
  • How to develop a cost-effective and sustainable packaging design and implementation strategy

Business Case
Practice and strategy are combined in a dedicated business case, where participants carry responsibility for a (model) corporation that is supplying packaged products to the market and has sustainable packaging in its mission statement.


The e-workshop consists of two separate consecutive three-hour online training sessions with live tutors.

Starting date

11 Sep 2024

NVC Workshop Sustainable Innovation in Packaging (Live Online)

Lessons on: 11 and 18 September 2024 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM CEST (Paris Time Scale)  
Costs NVC members: € 535,00 Costs non-members: € 655,00
03 Dec 2024

NVC Workshop Sustainable Innovation in Packaging (Live Online)

Lessons on: 3 and 10 December 2024 from 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM CET (Paris Time Scale)  
Costs NVC members: € 535,00 Costs non-members: € 655,00


After completing this workshop you will receive the NVC-certificate 'NVC E-Workshop Sustainable Innovation in Packaging'.


Your tutor is Michael Nieuwesteeg, managing director of the NVC Netherlands Packaging Centre. As member of the ISO Convenors Action Group, he was a driving force behind the development of the ISO World standards on packaging and environment. At NVC he is the contact with the European Commission in the context of the European Circular Economy Package and the EU Action Plan for the Circular Economy.




NVC members pay €535,00*, non-members pay €655,00*. For more information about the NVC membership, please click here.

More information?

Do you have questions and/or would you like to receive more information, please contact us. We can also go through the list of references. We can be reached via education@nvc.nl or +31-(0)182-512411.