United Nations publishes Global Waste Management Outlook

21 September 2015

Inadequate waste management has become a major problem, with 7-10 billion tonnes of urban waste produced each year and 3 billion people worldwide lacking access to controlled waste disposal facilities. The volumes of waste are likely to even double in lower-income African and Asian cities by 2030, warns the Global Waste Management Outlook - launched by the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) and the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA).
The report calls for a major shift away from the linear "take-make-use-waste" economy and towards the circular "reduce-reuse-recycle" approach to the lifecycle of materials (Press Release UNEP, 17 September 2015).
Click here for the press release.
Click here for a summary of the report (2.27 MB).
Click here for the full report (16.91 MB).
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