US Study: Ways to improve efficiencies in recycling facilities

11 August 2015

Five US national trade associations commissioned a study to find ways to optimize the recycling of their packaging after it goes into the bin. The “MRF Material Flow Study” looks at how numerous materials flow through several different types of materials recovery facilities (MRFs).
One of the findings was that size and shape make a difference. Items tend to flow with similarly sized and shaped materials, so containers shouldn’t be completely flattened or crushed by residents before being placed in their recycling bin. Additionally, package form and stiffness influences flow. Materials that hold their shape have a higher likelihood of making it to the right bale (Press Release, 8 July 2015).
Click here for the press release (319 kB).
Click here for the study (356 kB).
Click here for an infographic about the study (4.89 MB).
Click here for more information about the NVC Topical lecture The circular economy in packaging: Quo Vadis? That will take place on September 8th.
With NVC MERGE (Members-only Environmental Regulations Guide) you can stay up-to-date with the environmental requirements for your packaging. MERGE is exclusively for NVC members and there are no costs involved.

If you have any questions about this subject, please contact us:, +31-(0)182-512411. This item is also included in our monthly overview, the NVC Members-only Update.