US: New York Supreme Court overturns ban on EPS packaging

26 October 2015

The New York Supreme Court has ruled against a recently adopted New York City ordinance that bans the use of polystyrene foam (EPS) food packaging as of July 1 2016.
At issue was an assessment made by the New York City Department of Sanitation (DSNY) that EPS could not be effectively recycled because it would be dirty with food residues and other contaminants. In response, Dart Container and PRI offered to purchase and install a state-of-the-art optical sorting machine that would permit EPS food packaging recycling and to train employees. The offer was not accepted by DSNY. New York City officials are weighing whether to appeal the court decision (State Recycling Laws Update, 5 October 2015).
Click here for the ruling (1.16 MB).
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