Tremendous growth for EU alternative finance market

26 May 2015

The European Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report by EY and the University of Cambridge reveals that the EU alternative finance market as a whole grew by 144% last year - from €1.211 billion in 2013 to €2.957 billion in 2014. Excluding the UK, the alternative finance market for the rest of Europe increased from €137 million in 2012 to €620 million in 2014. Collectively, the non-UK European alternative finance market provided €385 million worth of early-stage, growth and working capital financing to nearly 10,000 European start-ups and SMEs since 2012, of which €201 million was funded in 2014.
NVC promotes alternative finance in sync with packaging innovation contest De Gouden Noot 2016.
Click here to download the European Alternative Finance Benchmarking Report (2.8 MB).
Click here for information about the NVC event addressing crowdfunding for packaging innovations (October 1st, 2015).

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