Online groceries to grow to 20% of the Dutch market share

26 October 2015

A consumer research performed by ING shows that 38% of the Dutch population shall purchase groceries online more frequently. Presently, 2% of the groceries in the Netherlands are bought online, which is said to increase to 20% by 2020.
This strong growth can be related to the benefits of online groceries; it saves time, less carrying of heavy bags and one can shop outside of the stores’ opening hours. Even though online groceries mostly provide home delivery, 63% of the Dutch consumer has objections against delivery costs. The report also states that the consumer is wary of the freshness of fruit/vegetables/meat products bought online (Press Release ING, 29 September 2015).
Click here for the ING press release (in Dutch).
Click here for more information about the NVC E-course Packaging for E-commerce.

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