NL: Environmental effectiveness packaging policy published

25 June 2015

TNO and CE Delft have analysed the environmental effectiveness of the Dutch Packaging Agreement 2013-2022, including the effects of abolishing the deposit system for large PET bottles. Abolishing the deposit system has a negative environmental effect. In the analysis an amount of 27.9 kiloton deposit PET is assumed. 13.8 kiloton needs to be compensated, assuming that 55% of the bottles will be recovered in the Plastic Heroes system, compared to 95% with the current deposit scheme. This is 3% of the 460 kiloton that enters the market annually. This means that the negative environmental effect can be compensated by realising higher plastic recycling goals than the goals set in the agreement.
Click here for the study (4.84 MB, in Dutch).
Click here for more information about the Inspiration meeting Effectiveness environmental policy packaging and packaging waste (8 September).
Click here for more information about the NVC E-Workshop Sustainable Innovation in Packaging.
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