LCA single-serve coffee compared to bulk for consumers

25 August 2015

Packaging Consortium (PAC) commissioned a life cycle assessment (LCA) of the two main systems for brewing coffee and their packaging (single serve and bulk drip-brewed). The research found wasted coffee and electricity consumption during brewing and heating are the key parameters in the comparison, rather than packaging.
Single serve coffee uses an exact serving of fresh coffee, consumers are more likely to prepare more brewed coffee than needed and bulk brewing systems typically use a hot plate to keep the coffee warm. The LCA determined that if North American consumers switched to single-serve coffee systems there could potentially be environmental benefits (News Item PAC, 27 July 2015).
Click here for the news item (6.64 MB).
Click here for an executive summary of the LCA (287 kB).
Click here for the full LCA (1.8 MB).
Click here for more information about the NVC E-Workshop Sustainable Innovation in Packaging.

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