Influence of MAP on shelf-life of green chillies

09 March 2015

Researchers at the Defence Food Research Laboratory in India studied the effect of passive modified atmosphere packaging (MAP) on postharvest shelf-life of green chillies. Different types of polymeric packaging films such as microporous, low density polyethylene (PE-LD), polyolefin and anti-fog films were used for MAP.
A shelf-life of 16, 18, 22 and 28 days was observed in chillies packed in microporous, PE-LD, polyolefin and anti-fog films respectively, as compared to 15 days in the case of control samples. Anti-fog film was effective to maintain postharvest quality of green chillies during low temperature storage. An article about the research is published in Food Packaging and Shelf Life.
Click here for an abstract of the article.

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