2 923 more chemicals registered by industry under REACH

10 June 2013

By the 31 May 2013, 3 215 companies have submitted 9 084 registration dossiers to the European Chemicals Agency ECHA for chemicals manufactured or imported in quantities from 100 to 1 000 tonnes per year.
20% of all registrations were submitted by micro, small or medium sized companies and 80% came from large companies. Registrations were received from 26 EU Member States and three EEA countries, with the highest percentages coming from Germany (31%), the United Kingdom (12%), Italy, France and the Netherlands (each 8%).
2 923 more substances have now been registered for the 2013 deadline. Additionally, 696 substances that had already been registered for the previous deadline were registered by new companies that joined the previous registrants. The most hazardous substances in this tonnage band had to be registered already for the 1 December 2010 registration deadline.
The exact number of registered substances and registration dossiers will be available in early September when all the dossiers have been processed.
The last REACH registration deadline for substances manufactured or imported in the EU at or above one tonne a year is 31 May 2018 (ECHA News Article 3 June 2013).