8th NVC mini-conference The future of work and education in packaging


On Tuesday 25 June 2024, the NVC International Working Group Life Long Learning in Packaging organises the NVC Mini-Conference on the Future of Work and Education in Packaging for the eighth time. The meeting is Live Hybrid. You can therefore participate physically there or purely live online from any location worldwide. Register directly via the registration button or contact the NVC association office via info@nvc.nl and phone +31-(0)182-512411.


12.30 PM -1.30 PM CEST ENTRY
Oscar Faber, manager NVC education and training
1.45 PM CEST Attracting and retaining packaging knowledge in packaging companies
Who is doing what in a packaging business?
Challenges in the continuous knowledge development of packaging staff
The effects of GenAI, robotisation and automation
Learning trends in packaging 

2.20 PM CEST Results of the NVC Survey Trends in Learning and Development in packaging
by Oscar Faber (manager NVC Education and Training)
Fighting the skills gap is increasingly at the forefront of our activities, as retail and industry struggle to adapt to the new realities in packaging technology while the workforce has to be kept up-to-date, motivated and inspired in their career development. The NVC Survey Trends in Learning and Development in Packaging addresses the key issues. The survey opened on 9 April and closed on 1 June 2024. Today we will share the results and discuss its implications for the future together. 
Presentation of survey findings
Key statistics and insights from the survey
Analysis of current trends and gaps in learning and development
Implications of the survey results for future business training in packaging 
2.50 PM CEST Panel debate
moderated by Michael Nieuwesteeg (NVC director)
3.15 PM CEST Conclusion 
After the conference, the Diploma Ceremony NVC Packaging Professional will take place at 4.00 PM CEST with afterparty in the council chamber of the House of the City (Huis van de Stad) in Gouda.