Winner Bronzen Noot 2018 - Arcwise packaging

Arcwise is a patented alternative way to produce corrugated board. The final result is a sheet of corrugated board that is easy to bend, in a way that even, "fluent" (not kinked) round shapes can now be made of corrugated board without any problems.

The Arcwise corrugated board, produced by Brohl Wellpappe, is predestined because of its application possibilities to be combined with round shapes such as bottles, tubes and cans, and to be able to realise beautiful round shapes in displays. From a threefold point of view: round shapes are significantly stronger than square shapes, in addition, the Arcwise corrugated board uses less material, so your carbon footprint is smaller and, finally, consumers rate round shapes more positively than square shapes, which can boost sales.

Registrant: Brohl Wellpappe

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