Where to go with the packaging recycling in the Netherlands 2023-2027?

Follow-up meeting for NVC members

8 December 2022
Live Online
3-5 PM CET

Parliamentary debate between the Parliamentary Standing Committee IenW (addressing environmental issues) and State Secretary Vivianne Heijnen in the presence of NVC on Tuesday 8 November 2022. Earlier that day, the ministry published the Application submitted on 30 June 2022 for a General Binding Declaration by the Packaging Waste Fund Foundation of their levy on industry. Total charges for the year 2023: €403 million/year, or €161,000 per company.

The costs to business of collecting and processing emptied packaging in the Netherlands will double by the year 2023, while the intended environmental goals are unclear. In this NVC member meeting, we will analyse the situation and look at the (desired) future. Specifically, we will discuss the Application for a Generally Binding Declaration of the levy that the Dutch Packaging Waste Fund Foundation wants to impose on industry with effect from 1 January 2023. The Application was published 8 November 2022 by the Ministry of IenW and was brought to the attention of NVC for comments. The deadline for submitting a so-called Perspective (‘Zienswijze’) is six weeks.   

The meeting starts at 3 PM CET and is Live Online, so you can join from any location. There are no costs involved. Register here or contact the NVC association office at info@nvc.nl or phone +31-(0)182-512411.