Ninth annual plenary meeting PUMA

Thursday 20 March 2025
9.30 AM-5.30 PM CET Physical participants
1.00-5.30 PM CET Online participants

Live Hybrid from Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Sittard-Geleen (NL)


Offline (‘physical only’) part of the programme
9.30-10.15 AM Walk-in and registration of participants for the PUMA business tour

10.15-10.30 AM A short introduction of the campus
Lia Voermans (Chair Steering Board, Brightlands Circular Space)

10.30 AM-12.00 PM PUMA business tour, hosted by the SABIC Solution Center
Jörgen Kemps (Market Development & Technical Marketing, SABIC)

The European SABIC  Solution Center is located at the Brightlands Chemelot Campus in Geleen, The Netherlands. The center is a platform for growth and collaboration. It exemplifies SABIC's sustainability solutions, and supports the development of advanced processes and product innovations. We will visit the permanent exhibition area that is showcasing industry solutions from various market segments like Advanced Packaging, Automotive, Foam & Lightweight, Healthcare & Hygiene, Building & Construction, Consumer Goods and Electrical & Electronics.  

12.00-1.00 PM Networking lunch

Live Hybrid part of the programme
1.00 PM Opening, summary of last year’s PUMA activities and a concise introduction of today’s programme, by co-hosts
Michael Nieuwesteeg and Serra Anker (NVC Packaging Centre)

1.15-2.15 PM Packaging materials and their environmental sustainability
Introduction of Brightlands Circular Space: Reusing waste as a raw material for plastics
Paul van den Heuvel (Senior Program Manager Circular Packaging, Brightlands Materials Center)

Plastic type detection: Optimising plastic sorting through machine learning
Fahimeh Pourmohammadi (Data Scientist, The Hague University of Applied Sciences)

The future of packaging inks: An introduction
Teodora Tasip (Intern Chemical Engineering, NVC Packaging Centre)
Serra Anker (Manager Packaging Materials and Processes, NVC Packaging Centre)

2.15-2.30 PM SHORT BREAK 

2.30-3.30 PM Coding, identification and recycling of packaging materials
SABIC’s TRUCIRCLE™ solutions, advancing the circular economy
Jörgen Kemps (Market Development & Technical Marketing, SABIC)

Bringing order in the chaos: Coding and identification towards a sustainable future for the packaging materials
Jan Merckx and Michael Nieuwesteeg (the NVC-GS1 thinktank Coding and Identification)

Towards packaging materials in the carbon-neutral year 2050
Joint discussion between ‘on-stage’ speakers and all participants

3.30-3.45 PM SHORT BREAK 

3.45-5.15 PM Unpacking Green Deal reporting in Europe, USA and other regions
AI assisted EPR compliance, evaluating popular LLM model responses regarding differences between EU and US legislation
Alessandro Stephens (Student Social Sciences, Maastricht University)
Danilo Solcia (Student Data Science and Artificial Intelligence, Maastricht University)

Effective and efficient structuring of your packaging business information under the EU policy framework: Creating an EU harmonised and CSRD compliant packaging dossier 
Armin von Keitz (Sustainability Manager, Tata Steel Netherlands)
Serra Anker (Manager Packaging Materials and Processes, NVC Packaging Centre)

PUMA CSRD BUSINESS CASE: Fulfilling the EU CSRD packaging reporting requirements as a medium-sized food company
Joint assignment creating your EU CSRD Report 2025 followed by a joint analysis and discussion between ‘on-stagespeakers and all participants 

5.15-5.30 PM Conclusion of the Live Hybrid part of the meeting, addressing the coming year’s activities and action points

5.30-6.30 PM Informal after-party with drinks and snacks

Practical information
The meeting is organised in the proven NVC Live Hybrid format, allowing business representatives to participate while being physically present (Brightlands Chemelot Campus) or to join fully interactive live online from anywhere in the world.

The language used will be business English.

The meeting is primarily intended for contacts at NVC member companies. Other professionals may also be welcome, but are kindly requested to consult the NVC association office in sync with their registration via or phone +31-(0)182-512411.

To register for this meeting please click here.